Photography training
After years of honing my craft, developing the voice and soul behind my newborn portraits, I am ready to share my skills, craft and expertise with you.
You can now book a one-to-one training workshop with me at my bespoke Maidstone baby studio. There, you will be able to watch me work with a newborn baby, learning an array of new skills, later in the day after lunch I will show you my editing skills and how I achieve my signature photographic style.
Place: Maidstone Baby Studio, Kent, ME15
Price: £699
Deposit: £100 to book
The rest is payable on the day of the workshop. The deposit is non-refundable.
The workshop is lead over one day and will start at 9am and end at 5pm.
During the training day I will undertake a whole newborn photo session with a tiny new baby, right there alongside you. You will be able to see the entire process, like a fly on the wall and you will be able to use a model newborn doll to learn the same wrapping and posing techniques as I work. You will also be able to photograph baby and we will look at using and shaping natural light and using correct angles to achieve incredible results straight out of camera. Lunch is included, after which I will share my editing skills with you and I will show you step by step how to take a RAW digital file to finished digitally retouched artwork with soul.
We will cover:~
* How to set up for a newborn photo shoot
* How to best prepare parents
* Camera settings
* Handling natural light and angles
* Working safely with newborns
* Swaddling (wrapping) and sleeping methods
* Understanding newborn sleep
* Newborn flow posing on the beanbag
* Working on beanbags
* Working in props
* Capturing baby with parents
* How to edit artistic newborn portraits in PS
* The chance to publish the photographs you shoot in the workshop
* Bundle of my handmade Adobe LR (lightroom) actions for FREE with this training
* This workshop will help you grow in all areas, whether already established and wanting to learn more about newborn photography, or starting out.
For the training you will need a digital SLR. It is advisable to bring a laptop which runs Adobe Photoshop with you, so that you can edit one of the images you have shot from the session alongside me as I edit my own.
Once you have purchased your workshop, send me a message and we can discuss a convenient date for your photography training. The workshop lasts 8hrs, includes lunch, working with a newborn baby, an editing workshop and will cost £699.